Thepurpose and scope of behaviour code

This behaviour code outlines the conduct that [name oforganisation] expects from all our staff and volunteers. This includestrustees, agency staff, interns, students on work placement and anyone who isundertaking duties for the organisation, whether paid or unpaid. The behaviourcode is there to help us protect children and young people from abuse. It hasbeen informed by the views of children and young people. 'The Lodge School of Theatre Dance' isresponsible for making sure everyone taking part in our activities has seen,understood and agreed to follow the code of behaviour, and that they understandthe consequences of inappropriate behaviour.

The roleof staff and volunteers

In your role at The Lodge School of Theatre Dance you are acting in a position of trust andauthority and have a duty of care towards the children and young people we workwith. You are likely to be seen as a role model by young people and areexpected to act appropriately. We expect people who take part in our servicesto display appropriate behaviour at all times. This includes behaviour thattakes place outside our organisation and behaviour that takes place online.

Responsibilityof staff and volunteers

You are responsible for:

prioritising the welfare of children and youngpeople providing a safe environment for children and young people,

ensuring equipment is used safely and for itsintended purpose.

having good awareness of issues to do withsafeguarding and child protection and taking action when appropriate.

following our principles, policies andprocedures o including our policies and procedures for safeguarding and childprotection, whistleblowing and online safety

staying within the law at all times • modellinggood behaviour for children and young people to follow

challenging all inappropriate behaviour andreporting any breaches of the behaviour code to Sarah-Jane Bullock SafeGuarding Officer and Lyndsey Taylor Safe Guarding Lead.

reporting all concerns about abusive behaviour,following our safeguarding and child protection procedures o this includesinappropriate behaviour displayed by an adult or child and directed at anybodyof any age.


Respectingchildren and young people You should:

listen to and respect children at all time

value and take children's contributionsseriously, actively involving them in planning activities whereverpossible

respect a young person's right to personalprivacy as far as possible

if you need to break confidentiality in order tofollow child protection procedures, it is important to explain this to thechild or young person at the earliest opportunity.

Diversityand inclusion

You should:

• treat children and young people fairly and withoutprejudice or discrimination

• understand that children and young people are individualswith individual needs

• respect differences in gender, sexual orientation, culture,race, ethnicity, disability and religious belief systems, and appreciate thatall participants bring something valuable and different to thegroup/organisation

• challenge discrimination and prejudice

• encourage young people and adults to speak out aboutattitudes or behaviour that makes them uncomfortable.


You should:

• promote relationships that are based on openness, honesty,trust and respect

• avoid showing favouritism

• be patient with others

• exercise caution when you are discussing sensitive issueswith children or young people

• ensure your contact with children and young people isappropriate and relevant to the nature of the activity you are involved in

• ensure that whenever possible, there is more than oneadult present during activities with children and young people ,if a situationarises where you are alone with a child or young person, ensure that you arewithin sight or can be heard by other adults and if a child specifically asks for or needs someindividual time with you, ensure other staff or volunteers know where you andthe child are

• only provide personal care in an emergency and make surethere is more than one adult present if possible, unless it has been agreedthat the provision of personal care is part of your role and you have beentrained to do this safely.



Whenworking with children and young people

you must not:

• allow concerns or allegations to go unreported

• take unnecessary risks

• smoke, consume alcohol or use illegal substances

• developinappropriate relationships with children and young people

• make inappropriate promises to children and young people

• engage in behaviour that is in any way abusive, including having any form of sexual contactwith a child or young person

• act in a way that can be perceived as threatening orintrusive

• patronise or belittle children and young people

• make sarcastic, insensitive, derogatory or sexually suggestivecomments or gestures to or in front of children and young people.

If you have behaved inappropriately, you will be subject toour disciplinary procedures. Depending on the seriousness of the situation, youmight be asked to leave The Lodge School of Theatre Dance'. We might also makea report to statutory agencies such as the police and/or the local authoritychild protection services. If you become aware of any breaches of this code,you must report them to Sarah-Jane Bullock the Safe Guarding Officer.

”My daughter is 15 years old and has been at The Lodge for a year and it has had an incredible year. The worry was moving from a school she had been at for years to go to a new school, but we had nothing to worry about....”

- Sam Morgan -

The Lodge School of Theatre Dance

8 Holmes Road





07758 412 854

07758 412 854

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